Start of something new…

This will initially be the first blog post! When I was fifteen I had a LiveJournal account, which I don’t necessarily count towards my blogging experience, but I did post music lyrics, quotes, teenage angst, and other emotionally driven elements that all my peers around me were doing at that time. Why did I decide to do a blog? Well, it’s mainly the fact that I’ve been living a lifestyle that has now caught up to me. It’s just time for a change. Anyways, more on that subject later. I hope to use this blog for a wide arrange of topics: personal thoughts, opinions, reconnecting with old friends and family, as well as directing this towards a career in Telecommunications.

I don’t know who my audience will be, so for now, I’m calling this “My Journal.” This will help me organize all the clutter from upstairs, as well as all the non-sense that floats about my everyday life.

Right now, I have the urge to clean my room, and donate any materials I don’t use anymore to Goodwill. Also, I need to contact some people that are interested in some items I posted on Craigslist. Anyone want a couch from the 70’s?

Goodbye, for now!

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